About Us
Tried over a period of more than 20 years, TurboLab has been applied to mobile data acquisiton, industrial automation and embedded applications.
The TurboLab software family was developed in 1980 by experts in data acquisition. Since then the software has been optimized constantly. Convincing features are it's comfortable handling and a functionality set by the user's workflow which helps to arrive at expressive results quickly.
Since 1993 MDZ Bührer & Partner GbR pursues the development and maintenance of the software aimed at data acquisition. MDZ Bührer & Partner was founded by one of TurboLab's developers. Thus his competence and experience keep ensuring actuality and working order of the TurboLab software familiy.
As a result of the various possibilities and the flexibility of the software MDZ Bührer & Partner GbR offer customers specific solutions based on TurboLab software modules.
Scope of application
• Mobile data acquisition
e.g. BMW and Corrsys-Datron: www.corrsys-datron.com
• Industrial automation: www.elotherm.de
• Special applications and devices: www.byk-gardner.de
• Embedded control: www.nutrion.de
• PLC systems: www.tqs.de
In 1997 the subsidiary Datalab was founded in Slovakia. This company provides additional resources concerning databased managment of measurement results.